10 Medical Supplies You Need To Stockpile Before A Crisis


When it comes to emergencies or unforeseen situations, being prepared is essential. One aspect of preparedness that often gets overlooked is having an ample stockpile of medical supplies. Whether it's a natural disaster, a global pandemic, or any other crisis, having the right medical supplies on hand can make a significant difference in your ability to care for yourself and your loved ones. In this article, we will discuss the 10 medical supplies you need to stockpile before a crisis, ensuring you're well-prepared for whatever comes your way.

Why Stockpiling Medical Supplies Matters

Before diving into the specific medical supplies you should have on hand, it's important to understand why stockpiling these items is crucial. In times of crisis, medical resources may become limited or inaccessible, making it difficult to obtain the necessary supplies when you need them most. By stockpiling medical supplies in advance, you can ensure that you have the essential items readily available, allowing you to provide basic medical care and potentially save lives.

1. First Aid Kits: Your Lifesaving Arsenal

First aid kits are an absolute must-have in any emergency situation. These kits contain essential supplies like bandages, antiseptics, gloves, scissors, and more. Be sure to choose a comprehensive first aid kit that suits your specific needs and consider having multiple kits strategically placed throughout your home, car, and workplace.

2. Medications: Don't Run Out of Vital Prescription Drugs

If you or a family member rely on prescription medications, it's crucial to have an ample supply on hand. Ensure you maintain a stockpile of essential prescription drugs, including any necessary refills. Consult with your healthcare provider and discuss the possibility of obtaining a larger prescription to accommodate your stockpiling needs.

3. N95 Respirators: Protect Yourself from Airborne Threats

N95 respirators are highly effective in filtering out harmful airborne particles, making them a vital addition to your medical supplies. These masks are particularly useful during pandemics, outbreaks, or situations where air quality is compromised. Stock up on N95 respirators to safeguard yourself and your loved ones from respiratory threats.

4. Gloves: Maintain Hygiene and Prevent Contamination

Gloves are indispensable when it comes to maintaining proper hygiene and preventing contamination. Stockpile a sufficient quantity of disposable gloves to ensure you have an adequate supply for yourself and others. Remember to prioritize latex-free options for individuals with allergies.

5. Thermometers: Keep an Eye on the Temperature

Thermometers are invaluable in monitoring body temperature and detecting signs of illness. Consider investing in digital thermometers for accurate readings and stockpiling extra batteries to ensure their functionality. Monitoring temperature changes can help you identify potential health concerns and take appropriate action promptly.

6. Antibiotics and Antiseptics: Combat Infections Effectively

In a crisis scenario, the risk of infections and wounds is heightened. Having a supply of antibiotics and antiseptics can significantly aid in preventing and treating infections. Stockpile items like antibiotic ointments, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol-based sanitizers to maintain proper wound care.

7. Over-the-Counter Medications: Relieve Common Ailments

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications play a crucial role in addressing common ailments and discomforts. Stock up on OTC pain relievers, cough suppressants, antacids, allergy medications, and any other medications you frequently use. These supplies will prove invaluable when access to pharmacies is limited.

8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Protect Yourself and Others

Personal protective equipment, such as face shields, goggles, and disposable gowns, is essential in safeguarding against potential hazards. Consider stockpiling these items, especially in situations where close contact with others may pose a risk, such as in contagious disease outbreaks.

9. Wound Care Supplies: Treat Injuries Promptly

In emergencies, injuries can occur more frequently, making wound care supplies critical. Stockpile adhesive bandages, sterile gauze, medical tape, and wound cleansers to address injuries promptly and prevent complications. Having an adequate supply of wound care essentials can make a significant difference in the healing process.

10. Essential Medical Equipment: Be Prepared for Any Situation

In certain emergencies, having essential medical equipment can be lifesaving. Consider stockpiling items like blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, nebulizers, and other medical devices specific to your health needs. This preparation ensures that you can continue monitoring and managing your health during uncertain times.

The Home Doctor's Guide - Our Recommendation

This unique book was written by doctors to help people take care of their health ailments at home when the medical system cannot be relied on anymore.

It will be extremely important in a future emergency, so check it out while it's still accessible. You already know that antibiotics can save your life, but they are notoriously hard to stockpile if you don’t know about this ingenious method.

This is completely legal and perfectly safe. The best part is that you can also use it for other medicines that require a prescription, like insulin or Humira, for example. This is only one of the many inventive nuggets of medical knowledge included in the Home Doctor's guide. Get yourself a copy of this amazing guide.

home doctor's guide

Frequently Asked Questions about Stockpiling Medical Supplies

1. How long should I stockpile medical supplies?

It's recommended to have at least a 30-day supply of medical essentials. However, for certain medications or supplies, it may be wise to aim for a 90-day or even a 6-month stockpile, especially if obtaining refills could be challenging during a crisis.

2. Can I use expired medical supplies in an emergency?

Using expired medical supplies may not be as effective or safe. It's best to rotate your stockpile regularly and replace items before they expire. Follow the guidance provided by manufacturers and healthcare professionals regarding the use of expired supplies.

3. How should I store my stockpiled medical supplies?

Store your stockpiled medical supplies in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Ensure that medications are stored in airtight containers and keep an inventory to track expiration dates and usage.

4. Can I donate surplus medical supplies to healthcare facilities?

During a crisis, healthcare facilities may face shortages of medical supplies. If you have surplus supplies that are within their expiration dates, consider contacting local healthcare providers or relief organizations to inquire about donation opportunities.

5. Are there any supplies I should avoid stockpiling?

While it's essential to stockpile medical supplies, it's equally important not to hoard or excessively accumulate items. Avoid stockpiling beyond your needs, as this can lead to shortages for others who require immediate access to medical essentials.

6. How often should I review and update my stockpile?

Regularly review your stockpile every six months to ensure supplies are up to date and meet your needs. Consider factors such as changes in medication dosages, additions or removals of family members, and updates in medical conditions.


Being prepared for emergencies means taking proactive steps to stockpile essential medical supplies. By acquiring the 10 medical supplies you need to stockpile before it's too late, you can ensure that you have the necessary tools to provide basic medical care and protect your well-being and that of your loved ones during times of crisis. Remember to regularly review and update your stockpile, and always follow the guidance of healthcare professionals. Stay prepared, stay safe.

I hope that you have found this information helpful and that you will take the necessary steps to safeguard yourself in an emergency. Thank you for reading this article to the end.

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